Thursday, November 02, 2006

Immigration Anxiety - The Bogus Issue

For your benefit, I just wanted to point out some facts and numbers to you to give you a realistic idea of this “hot button issue” known to us as immigration reform.

I think that lack of pertinent information on this issue causes us to be stunned, confused, and almost worried. I mean, no one is really telling us the truth about this. Well, I’m going to give you some numbers, some facts, some examples, and put your mind at rest. This is really a non-issue. Perhaps this might help you come to more logical, informed, and reasonable conclusion.

With the mid term elections now officially white hot and polarizing the nation even further, how many of you are really on the fence (and yes, a pun intended) on this issue. Is it driving you mad? I think it is for most of us, it is… because it’s a lot of huff and puff, with very little information to back up anything other than hot wind.

First, for conservative republicans, at least 25-50% of the attack ads on the television have something to do with the issue of “illegals” being in our country?

One of the most bogus arguments that border America has (other than the even more BOGUS argument that Mexicans are taking jobs THAT AMERICAN’S DON’T WANT ANYWAY, fruit picking, day labor, ect.), one of the bogus arguments moron America is spewing out is that illegal immigrants put strain on the school, hospital, healthcare, prison and court systems. People go as far to say that they’re causing major harm to these vital infrastructure systems in our country. Some people even GO SO FAR AS TO SAY THAT the extra money saved on this “burden” could be used for our troops serving overseas.

(Now, that’s one of the most intelligent things I’ve ever heard. Spend even more taxpayer dollars overseas on the war, come on people. We’ve already spent close to $780 Billion)

Here’s the real deal. The economic output of illegal aliens outweighs any social costs created by their presence. Regardless of what anyone tells you, illegal immigration is a market issue. Everyone who crosses our borders, legally or not, is a consumer. These people eat, drink, and shop just like every other person here. There are an estimated 12 million illegal aliens in this country. Well, 12 million people can eat a lot of burgers. 12 million people in jail can eat a lot of burgers paid for by state money. The US has jobs; immigrants need jobs. Barriers to entry just restrain a potential labor pool and make illegal immigrants prey to those who would make them virtual slaves.

Constantly worrying about "what's it going to cost me," you would deny a fellow human being the chance to live in better conditions? While we live in a country that holds 2% of the world's population and 98% of its wealth we are going to arrogantly assume it’s our right to step on others?

Here’s a better issue at hand. Last year, WE, THE TAXPAYERS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA paid more for Congressional perks than we did for all 12 million illegal immigrants and the “damage” they did to the healthcare and prison system.
It’s estimated that in the last fiscal year, US taxpayers spent over $325 million dollars on what we term “illegals” in services such as healthcare, schools, and the court system.

Okay, however, we can’t accurately put a figure as to just how many millions if not billions they put back into our economy as consumers, laborers, and people simply trying to raise a family… point blank, THEY BUY THINGS.

Now, think about this. What exactly do Representatives in Washington (I’m not talking local government either, I’m talking Washington D.C.) contribute for US taxpayers to have to spend over $100 MILLION DOLLARS last year in car services and parking spaces, for both them and their staff?

Someone tell me, exactly why do I have to pay for that? Not to mention frivolous trips, endless fundraising banquets, personal trainers, driving services, ect.

What I can put next to the $325 million in what we spent on “illegals” is the roughly $480 million US taxpayers spent on maintaining the lifestyle of a Rep or Senator. Yep, that’s the cost of such things mentioned above, travel, car services, fundraising (yeah, we have to pay for these guys to raise funds, isn’t that a joke?) their housing, I mean, the list is endless and disgusting.

I hope this helps you in understanding this non-issue of illegals which is now a political hot button and perhaps a new look at the distractive non-issue it really is. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican; however, I say lets take a closer look at a different issue, and see exactly who should be thrown out and where, okay?

Honestly, for your sake, the issue at hand is that the American public should watch our representative voices in government, and see the kind of lifestyle they enjoy on our dime.

Does anyone have anything to add to this?

You can find all available information at the National Taxpayers Union website at:

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